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I’ve been thinking a lot about how we allow other’s opinions to cloud our decisions and cloud the course of our lives.

See, we spend so much time daily, weekly, monthly yearly worrying about what others think. Worrying if this guy will judge you, the person next to you on the train will care if you’re wearing sweatpants, the person at the grocery check out looking at your nail polish.

We consult our friends before we date someone, we consult our friends before we text someone- we basically don’t even make our own decisions sometimes amiright?


But the thing is that we are not standing in our power, we are not unleashing our inner magic.

We are just handing it over to others.

It’s time to take our power back. It’s time to make our own decisions.

So this is what I want you to do, pre determine exactly who’s opinion that you will let effect you. 

You only get a max list of 3 people in your life.

Sit down, and really have a think on it. 

Who adds the most value in your life?

Who’s advice is the most sound and least judgemental?

Those 3 people should add high quality value to your life. If they don’t, then they don’t make the list. I’m sorry it’s just as quick and easy as that.

Think deeply and wisely though because those 3 people are the only opinions that you will allow matter going forward.

And anyone else that tries to get in your way by bringing you down, EFF those people.

You will no longer be tied down by group chats and group skypes about who you should date and when you should text the guy back.

You will no longer be consulting a group before you pick which shoes you are gonna rock out on the town.

Now you have 3people.

Just 3 or less to consult.

You gain your power back, your individuality and your confidence knowing that you have less stress on picking and choosing the choices that you make.

So go on girl, rock your day, your week and your month.

Step into your power because YOU ARE MAGIC!

Embrace your YOU and own that!

Your vibe is your tribe. Choose wisely.

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