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There is a saying “always do your best” or “be the best” and so many other variations.

The thing is that it pushes us to feel the need for perfection- and mentalities like no pain no gain.

What if I told you that your best varies.

That each day your best will never be the same.


Would you believe me, would you be okay with that?

Because it does.

I mean think about it right, today your best may be going all in on a project.

Tomorrow you may feel tired or sick and it may be just getting out of bed.

The day after it may just be doing the minimum at work.

Whatever you feel like your best is that day is completely okay.

We don’t always have to be perfect, we don’t always have to be the greatest.

We just need to allow ourselves to show up in whatever way feels natural to us in that moment.

We need to accept that.

We need to own that.

Today won’t be the same as tomorrow, and tomorrow won’t be the same as the day after or a week ago.

Each day is different. Each day your body feels different, your emotions are different and your stressors are different.

That is completely normal and okay.

That is life.

So yes, always do your best.

Do whatever your best is for that moment or that day.

Allow yourself to show up.

Don’t get too hard on yourself.

You are worthy!

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