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This is your story. Only yours.
You are the author.
You are the creator of this journey.
Stop doing things only for fear of letting people down.
Likely, they don’t even care as much as you think they do.
Stop putting yourself down and telling yourself you can’t because you always can, always.
Saying yes to everything comes from seeking validation.
Wanting to please everyone doesn’t serve you.
Allow yourself to say no.
Allow yourself to thrive in that no.
Take time for yourself to figure things out.
Don’t accept the first offer ever.
Stand in your boundaries.
Only accept what is yours to take on.
Think before you act, impulse doesn’t always work well.
Speak your truth with compassion.
Always be kind.
Pay it forward whenever possible.
As for your dreams,
Visualize, believe, manifest.
This is your story.
Only you can create it, only you can choose to make an impact.
The first step?
Accepting that you can.


You'll get 14 journal prompts to rock your life, love yourself, and unleash your magic within.

Enjoy Your New Freedom!