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Everything is relative.

Our perception is relative, our feelings are relative.

Even our own reality is relative.

Here’s the thing.

Every situation that occurs is completely neutral. It’s how we feel about the situation that labels it positive or negative.

So when you find yourself feeling negative about something, ask yourself is this the reality of the situation?

Does it have to be negative and/or stressful?

Because if there is no victim and nothing is happening to us but for us, then maybe the situation isn’t truly as bad as you feel.

Check in, find the gold in the situation.

Stay grounded, seek your truth.

Nothing is ever as bad as it seems.

Everything is for your divine growth.

You matter. You are enough and YOU are magic?


You'll get 14 journal prompts to rock your life, love yourself, and unleash your magic within.

Enjoy Your New Freedom!